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Why this Site?
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More importantly, WHY NOT? 

Teenagers are notorious for complaining and criticizing.  It seems to be a "rite of passage" for them.  When I taught Junior and High School English, I told my kids they could criticize ANYTHING they wanted to -- so long as they had a positive alternative to offer in the place of their complaint.

I feel strongly the same holds true for good citizens.  We DO have the freedom and "right", paid for by the lives of countless good men and women who died, defending our Country and way of life -- to criticize and complain.    But change takes more than beating one's chest and yowling.  It requires a little action, too!

I have a handicapped child -- she's "developmentally disabled" -- and services for her, and the l,200 to l,500 others like her, who are challenged with a rare genetic disorder, Prader-Willi Syndrome, in the State of Texas are scarce as hen's teeth, damned hard to obtain, and woefully inadequate.  Overall, some l0,000 (per Dept. of Mental Health and Mental Retardation data) to 30,000 (according to Liberty Resources figures) are on "wait" lists in Texas for services:  sheltered living arrangements in suitable environments.

The "wait" list for one program alone, that for "HCS" (home/community-based services) is sixty-six (66) years long in our region of Texas -- my child would be age 83 and I would be 122 years old when her number "comes up" at the pace this list moved in the last two years!  This is not acceptable!

It has been, as a result of my efforts to advocate for more and better services for her that I have become aware of Texas budget data, HOW to use the internet to reach media and politicians, and do research on disability issues.

It seemed too good to keep to myself.  Thus, this site came into being.  I hope others will take the short-cuts available here, USE them to make their feelings known, and be pro-active for positive change!

The homeless, the hungry and the disabled in Texas have no vote and no voice -- unless we speak on their behalf!

For seventeen years, I "laid low", avoiding political action or involvement, and keeping a "low profile" lest my loud mouth backfire with dire consequences for my child.  Now, all bets are off.  IF I appear on George W.'s radar screen, or that of any other politician, as an "enemy of the state", let it be known that I am not the enemy.  The enemy is greed, ego, power-maddness, a lack of compassion, being out of touch with the "real" world and greed.  (Yes, I know I said THAT twice).

Texas is NOT a poor state -- we have a TON of money at our disposal.  What we ARE poor in is commitment to doing the right thing, and making more than a token offering to care for those who have greater needs than for a civil service sinecure and "retirement"!  What this State is lacking in is a humanitarian vision.

That probably will NOT change without public pressure!

